path: root/content/blog/
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authorMateja <>2021-01-28 22:16:01 +0100
committerMateja <>2021-01-28 22:16:01 +0100
commit6963f58102c368967cb7f0ed3fce5f978493177d (patch)
tree4d82df8bc246e3de2f64e22e7f698d020c3ffcc0 /content/blog/
First commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'content/blog/')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+title: "Set up your own Smart HTTP Git Server with Gitolite, Cgit and Apache"
+date: 2020-08-10
+slug: "git-server"
+draft: false
+This guide is for people want to setup their own git server but don't want something as big as GitLab or Gitea,
+and don't want something overly simple like [bare git repository over SSH](
+Also, it is made on the assumption that you know how to setup and use Apache with https and virtual hosts,
+and SSH server with public key authentication. Your gitolite user will be available over SSH so make sure it is secured.
+If you follow this guide, you will have a git server with read-write access over SSH and read access over HTTPS.
+Your repositories will also be displayed using cgit web interface.
+Gitolite will give you the ability to easily add new repositories and manage complex permissions,
+ideal when you have to work with multiple people on a same project.
+Gitolite also works very well with cgit and git-http-backend.
+For example, if you make a repository that is not readable by everyone,
+gitolite won't add it to `projects.list` which cgit uses to decide what repositories to display,
+it also won't add `git-deamon-export-ok` file in repository directory,
+which git-http-backend uses to decide whether it should serve a repository over http.
+## Preparations
+First install necessary software. Package python-pygments is used by cgit for syntax highlighting.
+**Check optional dependencies for cgit, you probably want to add all of them.**
+ pacman -Sy --needed gitolite cgit python-pygments
+We will use [git-http-backend]( CGI program (it is part of the git package) to serve our repositories as read only over https.
+Since CGI programs are ran by default Apache user (http on my system, check your `httpd.conf`) and our repositories will belong to the gitolite user,
+we will add http user to gitolite group to later allow it to access repositories.
+Cgit is also a CGI program that needs to be able to access repositories.
+ usermod -aG gitolite http
+You will also need to enable `mod_cgi`, `mod_alias` and `mod_env` in your Apache configuration, since we are using CGI programs.
+## Setting up gitolite
+First you will need to copy your public ssh key to your server and rename it to `` .
+Then you will copy it to gitolite user's home directory. You can use this command:
+ install -o gitolite -g gitolite -m 640 /var/lib/gitolite/
+Per default gitolite uses umask of 077, meaning that only gitolite user can read, write and execute gitolite files.
+Since we want users in gitolite group to be able to read and execute gitolite files, we will need to set umask that gitolite uses to 027.
+However, when we run gitolite setup it uses default `.gitolite.rc` configuration file if it can't find one.
+We can of course change directories it made with `chmod -R g+rX /var/lib/gitolite/repositories`, but why not do it right the first time?
+Generate `.gitolite.rc` with command `gitolite print-default-rc > .gitolite.rc` .
+Then change lines 21 and 24 to `UMASK => 0027,` and `GIT_CONFIG_KEYS => '.*',` respectively.
+We changed line 24 so that we could use gitweb keys in gitolite-admin repository to tell cgit who is repository owner and repository description.
+This is how your `.gitolite.rc` should look like without comments, you should of course keep comments, they are useful.
+ %RC = (
+ UMASK => 0027,
+ GIT_CONFIG_KEYS => '.*',
+ LOG_EXTRA => 1,
+ ROLES => {
+ READERS => 1,
+ WRITERS => 1,
+ },
+ ENABLE => [
+ 'help',
+ 'desc',
+ 'info',
+ 'perms',
+ 'writable',
+ 'ssh-authkeys',
+ 'git-config',
+ 'daemon',
+ 'gitweb',
+ ],
+ );
+ 1;
+You can copy it to gitolite user's home directory.
+ install -o gitolite -g gitolite -m 640 .gitolite.rc /var/lib/gitolite/
+Now we are done with configuring gitolite and we can actually set it up. Login to gitolite user and run gitolite setup.
+ sudo -iu gitolite
+ gitolite setup -pk
+ exit
+Now, we finished setting up gitolite.
+You can use `git clone ssh://` on your client machine to clone gitolite administrator repository.
+In gitolite-admin repository you have `conf` and `keydir` directories. `keydir` keeps public keys for all available users,
+you can of course have [multiply keys per user](
+You can use `gitweb.owner` and `gitweb.description` to set repository owner and description in cgit.
+Cgit can only display repositories in `projects.list` file and git-http-backend can only export them if git-deamon-export-ok file is present,
+ in other words, only if it's readable by everyone (`R = @all`).
+Here you have an example `gitolite.conf`:
+ repo gitolite-admin
+ RW+ = username
+ repo testing
+ RW+ = username
+ R = @all
+ config gitweb.owner = Your Name
+ config gitweb.description = Simple testing repo
+You can do bunch of things in gitolite and they are explained in great detail on it's [website](
+## Configuring cgit
+Configuration file below is quite self explanatory so I won't go over it.
+Edit it per your needs, just make sure that `scan-path` is at the end of the file.
+You can find explanation for each line in [cgitrc(5)]( man page.
+Files (css, icons) that cgit uses can be found at `/usr/share/webapps/cgit/` .
+You can install this configuration file using `install -o root -g root -m 644 cgitrc /etc/` .
+ css=/cgit-css/cgit.css
+ logo=/cgit-css/cgit.png
+ favicon=/cgit-css/favicon.ico
+ source-filter=/usr/lib/cgit/filters/
+ about-filter=/usr/lib/cgit/filters/
+ root-title=Yours repositories
+ root-desc=Here you can find all my public projects.
+ snapshots=tar.gz zip
+ #settings
+ #cache-size=100
+ clone-url=$CGIT_REPO_URL
+ #default
+ enable-index-owner=1
+ #not default
+ enable-index-links=1
+ remove-suffix=1
+ #nice to have...
+ enable-blame=1
+ enable-commit-graph=1
+ enable-log-filecount=1
+ enable-log-linecount=1
+ branch-sort=age
+ # if you do not want that webcrawler (like google) index your site
+ # robots=noindex, nofollow
+ # if cgit messes up links, use a virtual-root. For example, has this value:
+ #virtual-root=/
+ # Allow using gitweb.* keys
+ enable-git-config=1
+ ##
+ ## List of common mimetypes
+ ##
+ mimetype.gif=image/gif
+ mimetype.html=text/html
+ mimetype.jpg=image/jpeg
+ mimetype.jpeg=image/jpeg
+ mimetype.pdf=application/pdf
+ mimetype.png=image/png
+ mimetype.svg=image/svg+xml
+ ##
+ ## Search for these files in the root of the default branch of repositories
+ ## for coming up with the about page:
+ ##
+ readme=:README.mkd
+ readme=:readme.mkd
+ readme=:README.rst
+ readme=:readme.rst
+ readme=:README.html
+ readme=:readme.html
+ readme=:README.htm
+ readme=:readme.htm
+ readme=:README.txt
+ readme=:readme.txt
+ readme=:README
+ readme=:readme
+ readme=:INSTALL.mkd
+ readme=:install.mkd
+ readme=:INSTALL.rst
+ readme=:install.rst
+ readme=:INSTALL.html
+ readme=:install.html
+ readme=:INSTALL.htm
+ readme=:install.htm
+ readme=:INSTALL.txt
+ readme=:install.txt
+ readme=:INSTALL
+ readme=:install
+ #gitolite repos
+ project-list=/var/lib/gitolite/projects.list
+ scan-path=/var/lib/gitolite/repositories
+## Configuring Apache
+And finally, the last step, connecting everything using Apache.
+`GIT_PROJECT_ROOT` variable is used by git-http-backend to locate repositories.
+`ScriptAliasMatch` part I took from [git-http-backend](
+and changed it so that it only allows http clients to `git pull` but not to `git push` .
+`Alias` part is where cgit should look for additional files (css, png), if you want to change it don't forget to change `/etc/cgitrc` .
+`ScriptAlias` is part where cgit actually executes.
+`Files` and `Directory` entries just tell Apache that it can access given files.
+For more information check out [Apache documentation](,
+You can just append this to your `httpd-vhosts-le-ssl.conf` file, you should of course edit it per your needs.
+ <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
+ <VirtualHost *:443>
+ # ServerAdmin
+ DocumentRoot "/srv/http/"
+ ServerName
+ SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/lib/gitolite/repositories/
+ ScriptAliasMatch \
+ "(?x)^/(.*/(HEAD | \
+ info/refs | \
+ objects/info/[^/]+ | \
+ git-upload-pack))$" \
+ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/$1
+ Alias /cgit-css "/usr/share/webapps/cgit/"
+ ScriptAlias / "/usr/lib/cgit/cgit.cgi/"
+ <Files "git-http-backend">
+ Require all granted
+ </Files>
+ <Directory "/usr/share/webapps/cgit/">
+ AllowOverride None
+ Options None
+ Require all granted
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory "/usr/lib/cgit/">
+ AllowOverride None
+ Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
+ Require all granted
+ </Directory>
+ ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/"
+ CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/" common
+ SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
+ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
+ Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
+ </VirtualHost>
+ </IfModule>
+Don't forget to restart Apache for changes to take effect!
+That's all, hope you like your new git server!
+If you found any mistakes, or that something is outdated, badly explained or you have something to add, feel free to [contact me](/contact/).
+## Resources
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