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\author{Mateja Mari\'c}

\section{Personal data}
\begin{tabular}{ @{} l l }
\large\textbf{Born}       & \normalsize xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Belgrade, Serbia\\
\large\textbf{Languages}  & \normalsize Serbian (native), English (fluent)\\
\large\textbf{Blog}       & \normalsize \url{}\\
\large\textbf{Git}        & \normalsize \url{}\\
\large\textbf{Email}      & \normalsize \url{}\\
\large\textbf{Phone}      & \normalsize xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

\begin{tabular}{ @{} p{3in} l l }
Electrical Engineering High School ``Nikola Tesla'', Belgrade              & \url{}  & 2015 - 2019\\
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade & \url{}   & 2019 - Present

\subsection{My website}
I host it on an unmanaged Virtual Private Server with full root and VNC access, setting up everything from ground up.
It uses Arch Linux and Apache.
\subsection{Mail server}
My very own mail server that serves my domain.
You can send me an email at \url{},
just whitelist my domain to be sure my mail doesn't end up in your spam folder.
It runs OpenSMTPD, Dovecot and Rspamd.
It is the project I am most proud of, given all the technicalities that go into it.
I plan on adding PostgreSQL database to manage virtual users and domains that are currently kept in plain text files.
\subsection{Git server}
I have a git server that I use for my public and private repositories. It runs Gitolite and serves public repositories with Cgit, 
git-http-backend and Apache.\\
I also have a blog post about it: \url{}
\subsection{3D render}
Barycentric 3D render that written entirely from scratch in C++ using SFML for screen buffer, making it cross-platform.
Definitely my most serious programming project. 
I spent quite a lot of time learning about algorithms that turn 3D points into a picture.
\subsection{First stage x86 bootloader}
Primitive bootloader that I made back when I was interested in operating system development. 
It was a very educational experience learning about legacy things that go into x86 architecture and 
the fact that processors have quite a lot of bugs.
\subsection{Small (initramfs) Linux distribution}
I wanted to make my own Linux From Scratch distribution, but as I was working on it, I didn't like the design choices and explanations.
So I started working on my own mini distribution, it uses GRUB and BusyBox. 
GRUB loads the kernel and initramfs that boot straight into shell, just like most distributions when they can't mount root partition.
I will probably continue working on it to actually make it useful. 

\section{Technical skills}
\begin{tabular}{ @{} l l }
\large\textbf{Advance}       & \normalsize C/C++, GNU/Linux\\
\large\textbf{Intermediate}  & \normalsize RegEx, Bash Scripting, Git, HTML5, CSS3, Python, Java, C\#\\
\large\textbf{Beginner}      & \normalsize PostgreSQL, JavaScript, PHP, \LaTeX, OpenBSD, x86\_64 ASM, Scheme (Lisp)

Unix-like operating systems, Free (as in freedom) software, Minimalist software, Web technologies, Networking