path: root/cv.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cv.tex')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex
index c83baf5..82f844d 100644
--- a/cv.tex
+++ b/cv.tex
@@ -1,72 +1,161 @@
-\author{Mateja Mari\'c}
+% Change the font if you want to, depending on whether
+% you're using pdflatex or xelatex/lualatex
+ % If using xelatex or lualatex:
+ \setmainfont{Lato}
+ % If using pdflatex:
+ \usepackage[default]{lato}
-{Bachelor of Applied Science}
-{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies}
-{Belgrade - Serbia}
-{\textit{New Computer Technologies}}
-{Computer Electrotechnician}
-{Electrical Engineering High School ``Nikola Tesla''}
-{Belgrade - Serbia}
-\cvitem{Advance}{HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP (Laravel), SQL (MariaDB), Git, GNU/Linux, C/C++}
-\cvitem{Intermediate}{Bash Scripting, Python, RegEx, \LaTeX}
-\cvitem{Used}{Vue.js, Java, C\#, OpenBSD, x86\_64 ASM, Scheme (Lisp)}
-\subsection{Web Development}
-\cvproject{Serbian YOTA Website}{\url{}}{
-Website I made for Serbian section of international youth amateur radio organization ``Youngsters On The Air'' (\url{}).
-Made primarily to handle frequency reservations and special call signs management,
-but it also has simple news and gallery management.
-It's made with the help of Laravel, MariaDB, jQuery and Bootstrap.
-You can take a look at source code on: \url{}
-\subsection{GNU/Linux Administration}
-\cvproject{Mail Server}{}{
-I host my very own mail server that serves my domain. It runs OpenSMTPD, Dovecot and Rspamd.
-I host it on an unmanaged Virtual Private Server with full root and VNC access, where I configured everything from ground up.
-It is the project I am most proud of, given all the technicalities that go into it and time I had to allocate for them.
-I plan on switching to Postfix instead of OpenSMTPD and adding MariaDB to manage virtual users and domains, effectively making it enterprise-grade.
+%% My additional commands. %%
+ {\large\color{emphasis}#1\par}
+ \smallskip\normalsize
+ \ifstrequal{#2}{}{}{{\small\makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{\faGlobe~\href{https://#2}{#2}}}}
+ \ifstrequal{#3}{}{}{{\small\makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{\faGithub~\href{\myGithubUsername/#3}{#3}}}}\par
+ \medskip\normalsize
-\cvproject{Git Server}{\url{}}{
-I have a git server that I use for my public and private repositories. It runs Gitolite and serves public repositories with Cgit,
-git-http-backend and Apache.\\
-I also have a blog post about it: \url{}
+\name{Mateja Mari\'c}
+ \location{Belgrade, Serbia}
+ \homepage{}
+ \email{}
+ \githubinfo{\myGithubUsername}
+ %\linkedin{}
+ %\phone{+000 00 000 0000}
-\subsection{3D Graphics Programming}
-\cvproject{3D Software Render}{\url{}}{
-Barycentric 3D render that I made back when I was interested in computer graphics.
-It's written entirely from scratch in C++ using SFML library for screen buffer, making it cross-platform.
-It implements OBJ loader, Z-buffering, translation, transformation, rotation and projection matrix.
+%% Depending on your tastes, you may want to make fonts of itemize environments slightly smaller
+\cvsubsection{Web Development}
+\cvproject{Serbian YOTA Website}{}{yota-laravel}
+\item Website I made for Serbian section of international youth amateur radio organization ``Youngsters On The Air'' (\href{}{}).
+\item Made primarily to handle frequency reservations and special call signs management, but it also has simple news and gallery management system.
+\item It's made with the help of Laravel, Vue.js, MariaDB and Bootstrap.
+\cvsubsection{GNU/Linux Administration}
+\cvproject{Mail Server}{}{}
+\item I host my very own mail server that serves my domain. It runs OpenSMTPD, Dovecot and Rspamd.
+\item Hosted on an unmanaged Virtual Private Server with full root and VNC access, where I configured everything from ground up.
+\cvproject{Git Server}{}{}
+\item I have a git server that I use for my public and private repositories. It runs Gitolite and serves public repositories with Cgit, git-http-backend and Apache.
+\item I have a blog post about it: \url{}
+\cvsubsection{Graphics Programming}
+\cvproject{3D Software Render}{}{erender}
+\item Barycentric 3D render that I made back when I was interested in computer graphics.
+\item Written entirely from scratch in C++ using SFML library for screen buffer, making it cross-platform.
+\item Implements OBJ loader, Z-buffering, translation, transformation, rotation and projection matrix.
+\cvsubsection{Project Experience}
+\cvtag{JavaScript (Vue.js \& Vuex)}
+\cvtag{PHP (Laravel)}
+\cvtag{SQL (MariaDB)}
+\cvsubsection{Occasionally using}
+\cvtag{Bash Scripting}
+\cvsubsection{Previously used}
+\cvtag{x86\_64 ASM}
+\cvtag{Scheme (Lisp)}
+ \item \textbf{Serbian (native)}
+ \item \textbf{English (fluent)}
+\cvevent{B.A.Sc in New Computer Technologies}{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies}{2019 -- Present}{Belgrade, Serbia}
+\cvevent{Computer Electrotechnician}{Electrical Engineering High School ``Nikola Tesla''}{2015 -- 2019}{Belgrade, Serbia}
+\cvtag{Unix-like operating systems}
+\cvtag{Free (as in freedom) software}
+\cvtag{Web development}
+\cvtag{Web technologies}
+\cvtag{Minimalist software}