" Map leader to which_key nnoremap :silent WhichKey '' vnoremap :silent :silent WhichKeyVisual '' " Create map to add keys to let g:which_key_map = {} " Define a separator let g:which_key_sep = '→' " set timeoutlen=100 " Not a fan of floating windows for this let g:which_key_use_floating_win = 0 " Change the colors if you want highlight default link WhichKey Operator highlight default link WhichKeySeperator DiffAdded highlight default link WhichKeyGroup Identifier highlight default link WhichKeyDesc Function " Hide status line autocmd! FileType which_key autocmd FileType which_key set laststatus=0 noshowmode noruler \| autocmd BufLeave set laststatus=2 noshowmode ruler " Single mappings let g:which_key_map['/'] = [ 'NERDCommenterToggle' , 'comment' ] let g:which_key_map['e'] = [ ':CocCommand explorer' , 'explorer' ] let g:which_key_map['f'] = [ ':Files' , 'search files' ] let g:which_key_map['h'] = [ 's' , 'split below'] let g:which_key_map['r'] = [ ':Ranger' , 'ranger' ] let g:which_key_map['S'] = [ ':Startify' , 'start screen' ] let g:which_key_map['T'] = [ ':Rg' , 'search text' ] let g:which_key_map['v'] = [ 'v' , 'split right'] let g:which_key_map['z'] = [ 'Goyo' , 'zen' ] " s is for search let g:which_key_map.s = { \ 'name' : '+search' , \ '/' : [':History/' , 'history'], \ ';' : [':Commands' , 'commands'], \ 'a' : [':Ag' , 'text Ag'], \ 'b' : [':BLines' , 'current buffer'], \ 'B' : [':Buffers' , 'open buffers'], \ 'c' : [':Commits' , 'commits'], \ 'C' : [':BCommits' , 'buffer commits'], \ 'f' : [':Files' , 'files'], \ 'g' : [':GFiles' , 'git files'], \ 'G' : [':GFiles?' , 'modified git files'], \ 'h' : [':History' , 'file history'], \ 'H' : [':History:' , 'command history'], \ 'l' : [':Lines' , 'lines'] , \ 'm' : [':Marks' , 'marks'] , \ 'M' : [':Maps' , 'normal maps'] , \ 'p' : [':Helptags' , 'help tags'] , \ 'P' : [':Tags' , 'project tags'], \ 's' : [':Snippets' , 'snippets'], \ 'S' : [':Colors' , 'color schemes'], \ 't' : [':Rg' , 'text Rg'], \ 'T' : [':BTags' , 'buffer tags'], \ 'w' : [':Windows' , 'search windows'], \ 'y' : [':Filetypes' , 'file types'], \ 'z' : [':FZF' , 'FZF'], \ } " Register which key map call which_key#register('', "g:which_key_map")