import os import subprocess from typing import List # noqa: F401 from libqtile import bar, layout, widget, hook from libqtile.config import Click, Drag, Group, Key, Match, Screen from libqtile.lazy import lazy from libqtile.utils import guess_terminal mod = "mod4" terminal = "st -e tmux" @hook.subscribe.startup_once def autostart(): home = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/qtile/')[home]) keys = [ # Audio Key([mod], "h", lazy.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 1%+"), desc="Increase volume"), Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 1%-"), desc="Decrease volume"), Key([mod], "m", lazy.spawn("amixer -q sset Master toggle"), desc="Toggle mute"), # Programs... Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn("bash -c ~/.local/bin/"), desc="Eject USB"), Key([mod, "control"], "p", lazy.spawn("scrot -ze 'mv $f ~/stuff/pictures/screenshots/'"), desc="Take a screenshot"), Key([mod], "x", lazy.spawn("mpc toggle"), desc="Pause/Resume MPD playback"), Key([mod, "shift"], "x", lazy.spawn("bash -c ~/.local/bin/"), desc="Display song."), Key([mod], "z", lazy.spawn("mpc next"), desc="MPD next song"), Key([mod, "shift"], "z", lazy.spawn("mpc prev"), desc="MPD previous song"), # Switch between windows in current stack pane Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down(), desc="Move focus down in stack pane"), Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up(), desc="Move focus up in stack pane"), # Move windows up or down in current stack Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down(), desc="Move window down in current stack "), Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up(), desc="Move window up in current stack "), # Change window size Key([mod], "g", lazy.layout.grow(), desc="Grow window size."), Key([mod], "v", lazy.layout.shrink(), desc="Decrease window size."), Key([mod], "c", lazy.layout.normalize(), desc="Return to normal sizing."), # Floating Key([mod], "t", lazy.window.toggle_floating(), desc="Toggle floating"), # Keyboard layout Key([mod], "space", lazy.widget["keyboardlayout"].next_keyboard(), desc="Next keyboard layout."), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack # Key([mod], "space",, # desc="Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack"), # Swap panes of split stack # Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate(), # desc="Swap panes of split stack"), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes # Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split(), # desc="Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack"), Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(terminal), desc="Launch terminal"), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout(), desc="Toggle between layouts"), Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill(), desc="Kill focused window"), Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart(), desc="Restart qtile"), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown(), desc="Shutdown qtile"), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn("rofi -show run"), desc="Use Rofi to start a new program."), Key([mod], "b", lazy.screen.toggle_group(), desc="Switch to the previously active group."), ] groups = [Group(i) for i in "asdfuiop"] for i in groups: keys.extend([ # mod1 + letter of group = switch to group Key([mod],,[].toscreen(toggle=False), desc="Switch to group {}".format(, # mod1 + shift + letter of group = switch to & move focused window to group Key([mod, "shift"],, lazy.window.togroup(, switch_group=False), desc="Switch to & move focused window to group {}".format(, # Or, use below if you prefer not to switch to that group. # # mod1 + shift + letter of group = move focused window to group # Key([mod, "shift"],, lazy.window.togroup(, # desc="move focused window to group {}".format(, ]) layouts = [ # layout.Tile(), layout.MonadTall(border_focus='81a1ca', margin=8), layout.MonadWide(border_focus='81a1ca', margin=8), layout.Max(border_focus='81a1ca'), layout.Floating(border_focus='81a1ca'), ] widget_defaults = dict( font='sans', fontsize=12, padding=3, ) extension_defaults = widget_defaults.copy() screens = [ Screen( bottom=bar.Bar( [ widget.GroupBox(disable_drag=True), widget.Prompt(), widget.CurrentLayout(), widget.WindowName(), widget.Spacer(length=10), # widget.Chord( # chords_colors={ # 'launch': ("#ff0000", "#ffffff"), # }, # name_transform=lambda name: name.upper(), # ), # widget.CapsNumLockIndicator(), # widget.Maildir(maildir_path='~/.mail'), widget.KeyboardLayout( configured_keyboards=[ 'us', 'rs alternatequotes', 'rs latin'], display_map={'us': 'english', 'rs alternatequotes': 'serbian cyrillic', 'rs latin': 'serbian latin' }, option='caps:swapescape' ), #  墳 婢 widget.TextBox(text=" 墳"), widget.Volume(), widget.Clock(format='%A %d %b %I:%M %p'), widget.Systray(), ], 24, opacity=0.85, ), ), ] # Drag floating layouts. mouse = [ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()), Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()), Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.bring_to_front()) ] dgroups_key_binder = None dgroups_app_rules = [] # type: List main = None # WARNING: this is deprecated and will be removed soon follow_mouse_focus = True bring_front_click = False cursor_warp = False floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[ {'wmclass': 'pinentry-gtk-2'}, # Run the utility of `xprop` to see the wm class and name of an X client. *layout.Floating.default_float_rules, Match(wm_class='confirmreset'), # gitk Match(wm_class='makebranch'), # gitk Match(wm_class='maketag'), # gitk Match(wm_class='ssh-askpass'), # ssh-askpass Match(title='branchdialog'), # gitk Match(title='pinentry'), # GPG key password entry # {'wmclass': 'confirmreset'}, # gitk # {'wmclass': 'makebranch'}, # gitk # {'wmclass': 'maketag'}, # gitk # {'wmclass': 'ssh-askpass'}, # ssh-askpass # {'wname': 'branchdialog'}, # gitk # {'wname': 'pinentry'}, # GPG key password entry # {'wmclass': 'confirm'}, # {'wmclass': 'dialog'}, # {'wmclass': 'download'}, # {'wmclass': 'error'}, # {'wmclass': 'file_progress'}, # {'wmclass': 'notification'}, # {'wmclass': 'splash'}, # {'wmclass': 'toolbar'}, # {'wmclass': 'gcr-prompter'}, # ssh-askpass ]) auto_fullscreen = True focus_on_window_activation = "smart" reconfigure_screens = True # XXX: Gasp! We're lying here. In fact, nobody really uses or cares about this # string besides java UI toolkits; you can see several discussions on the # mailing lists, GitHub issues, and other WM documentation that suggest setting # this string if your java app doesn't work correctly. We may as well just lie # and say that we're a working one by default. # # We choose LG3D to maximize irony: it is a 3D non-reparenting WM written in # java that happens to be on java's whitelist. wmname = "LG3D"