[options] #allow_bold = true #audible_bell = false #bold_is_bright = true #cell_height_scale = 1.0 #cell_width_scale = 1.0 #clickable_url = true #dynamic_title = true font = Monospace 9 #fullscreen = true #icon_name = terminal #mouse_autohide = false #scroll_on_output = false #scroll_on_keystroke = true # Length of the scrollback buffer, 0 disabled the scrollback buffer # and setting it to a negative value means "infinite scrollback" scrollback_lines = 10000 #search_wrap = true #urgent_on_bell = true #hyperlinks = false # $BROWSER is used by default if set, with xdg-open as a fallback #browser = xdg-open # "system", "on" or "off" #cursor_blink = system # "block", "underline" or "ibeam" #cursor_shape = block # Hide links that are no longer valid in url select overlay mode #filter_unmatched_urls = true # Emit escape sequences for extra modified keys #modify_other_keys = false # set size hints for the window #size_hints = false # "off", "left" or "right" #scrollbar = off [hints] #font = Monospace 12 #foreground = #dcdccc #background = #3f3f3f #active_foreground = #e68080 #active_background = #3f3f3f #padding = 2 #border = #3f3f3f #border_width = 0.5 #roundness = 2.0 # vim: ft=dosini cms=#%s #Nord color theme [colors] cursor = #d8dee9 cursor_foreground = #2e3440 foreground = #d8dee9 foreground_bold = #d8dee9 background = #2e3440 highlight = #4c566a color0 = #3b4252 color1 = #bf616a color2 = #a3be8c color3 = #ebcb8b color4 = #81a1c1 color5 = #b48ead color6 = #88c0d0 color7 = #e5e9f0 color8 = #4c566a color9 = #bf616a color10 = #a3be8c color11 = #ebcb8b color12 = #81a1c1 color13 = #b48ead color14 = #8fbcbb color15 = #eceff4