# About this project Configuration files for programs I use and used to use, including some helper scripts. ## Configuration files for programs I currently use: - bash - qtile - termite - dunst - rofi - nvim - zathura - mpd - ncmpcpp - newsboat ## Configuration files for programs I used: - i3 - polybar - xmonad - xmobar ## Helper scripts: - mpd_show.sh: Show currently playing song in pop-up. - unmount_usb.sh: Unmount currently mounted USB drive or one selected from list of currently mounted USB drives. - save_notification.sh: Save notifications to `/tmp/notifications`. ## Note on Neovim! Neovim is the only program that requires some manual intervention on your part when using my dotfiles. - When you enter Neovim for the first time you need to run `:PlugInstall` to install plug-ins that I use. - If you are going to use `coc-phpactor` CoC extension, besides manually installing Phpactor, you need to go to `.config/nvim/coc-settings.json` and set `phpactor.path` variable.