# About this project: Imaginary e-commerce site made with MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js and Node.js. Implementation informations: - Uses PayPal as payment processors. - Sets up and captures transactions on server. - Keeps transaction informations in database together with shipping details, ordered items and buyer. - Protected API endpoints for inspecting orders, both per user and globally for administrator. - Protected API endpoints for adding, updating and deleting products. - Full login and registration system. - Full cart system. - User can see their previous orders on front end. ## How to run this project: - Copy `client/.env` to `client/.env.local`. - Copy `server/.env.example` to `server/.env`. - Client's environment variable `VUE_APP_ROOT_API` should match server's `SITE_URL`. - On server environment variables `SITE_URL` and `PORT` should be compatible. - Navigate to `client` and run `npm run serve`. - Navigate to `server` and run `npm run start`.