path: root/.config/zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/zsh')
8 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/zsh/.gitignore b/.config/zsh/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6ab73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.config/zsh/.zshrc b/.config/zsh/.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0473d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+source $ZDOTDIR/zshrc
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zsh-aliases b/.config/zsh/zsh-aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5015453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zsh-aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+alias ls='ls --color=auto'
+alias ll='ls --color=auto -lAh'
+#alias l='ls -CF'
+alias dir='dir --color=auto'
+alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
+# Colorize grep output (good for log files)
+alias grep='grep --color=auto'
+alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
+alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
+alias yts="mpv --ytdl-format='bestvideo[height<=360]+bestaudio'"
+alias ytd='youtube-dl -o "%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
+alias ytv3="youtube-dl --write-auto-sub -f 'bestvideo[height<=360]+bestaudio/best[height<=360]' -o '%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
+alias ytv4="youtube-dl --write-auto-sub -f 'bestvideo[height<=480]+bestaudio/best[height<=480]' -o '%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
+alias ytv7="youtube-dl --write-auto-sub -f 'bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]' -o '%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
+alias ytv10="youtube-dl --write-auto-sub -f 'bestvideo[height<=1080]+bestaudio/best[height<=1080]' -o '%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
+alias yta='youtube-dl --extract-audio -o "%(playlist_index)d-%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
+alias zsh-update-plugins="find "$ZDOTDIR/plugins" -type d -exec test -e '{}/.git' ';' -print0 | xargs -I {} -0 git -C {} pull -q"
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zsh-exports b/.config/zsh/zsh-exports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16dfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zsh-exports
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+eval $(keychain --eval --agents gpg,ssh --quiet)
+export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
+export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
+export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
+export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh
+export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$HOME/.local/bin/:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$HOME/.local/share/go/bin
+export EDITOR='nvim'
+export VISUAL='nvim'
+export MANPAGER='nvim +Man!'
+export MANWIDTH=999
+export GOPATH=$HOME/.local/share/go
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zsh-functions b/.config/zsh/zsh-functions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede0039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zsh-functions
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Function to source files if they exist
+function zsh_add_file() {
+ [ -f "$ZDOTDIR/$1" ] && source "$ZDOTDIR/$1"
+function zsh_add_plugin() {
+ PLUGIN_NAME=$(echo $1 | cut -d "/" -f 2)
+ if [ -d "$ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME" ]; then
+ # For plugins
+ zsh_add_file "plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/$PLUGIN_NAME.plugin.zsh" || \
+ zsh_add_file "plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/$PLUGIN_NAME.zsh"
+ else
+ git clone "https://github.com/$1.git" "$ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME"
+ fi
+function zsh_add_completion() {
+ PLUGIN_NAME=$(echo $1 | cut -d "/" -f 2)
+ if [ -d "$ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME" ]; then
+ # For completions
+ completion_file_path=$(ls $ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/_*)
+ fpath+="$(dirname "${completion_file_path}")"
+ zsh_add_file "plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/$PLUGIN_NAME.plugin.zsh"
+ else
+ git clone "https://github.com/$1.git" "$ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME"
+ fpath+=$(ls $ZDOTDIR/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/_*)
+ [ -f $ZDOTDIR/.zccompdump ] && $ZDOTDIR/.zccompdump
+ fi
+ completion_file="$(basename "${completion_file_path}")"
+ if [ "$2" = true ] && compinit "${completion_file:1}"
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zsh-prompt b/.config/zsh/zsh-prompt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a86dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zsh-prompt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## autoload vcs and colors
+autoload -Uz vcs_info
+autoload -U colors && colors
+# enable only git
+zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git
+# setup a hook that runs before every ptompt.
+precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info }
+precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info )
+setopt prompt_subst
+# add a function to check for untracked files in the directory.
+# from https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/master/Misc/vcs_info-examples
+zstyle ':vcs_info:git*+set-message:*' hooks git-untracked
+ if [[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null) == 'true' ]] && \
+ git status --porcelain | grep '??' &> /dev/null ; then
+ # This will show the marker if there are any untracked files in repo.
+ # If instead you want to show the marker only if there are untracked
+ # files in $PWD, use:
+ #[[ -n $(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard) ]] ; then
+ hook_com[staged]+='!' # signify new files with a bang
+ fi
+zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true
+# zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats " %r/%S %b %m%u%c "
+zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats " %{$fg[blue]%}(%{$fg[red]%}%m%u%c%{$fg[yellow]%}%{$fg[magenta]%} %b%{$fg[blue]%})"
+# format our main prompt for hostname current folder, and permissions.
+PROMPT="%B%{$fg[blue]%}[%{$fg[white]%}%n%{$fg[red]%}@%{$fg[white]%}%m%{$fg[blue]%}] %(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ )%{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%}"
+# PROMPT="%{$fg[green]%}%n@%m %~ %{$reset_color%}%#> "
+PROMPT+="\$vcs_info_msg_0_ "
+# TODO look into this for more colors
+# https://stevelosh.com/blog/2010/02/my-extravagant-zsh-prompt/
+# also ascii escape codes
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zsh-vim-mode b/.config/zsh/zsh-vim-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862c963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zsh-vim-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# bindkey -e will be emacs mode
+bindkey -v
+export KEYTIMEOUT=1
+# Use vim keys in tab complete menu:
+bindkey -M menuselect '^h' vi-backward-char
+bindkey -M menuselect '^k' vi-up-line-or-history
+bindkey -M menuselect '^l' vi-forward-char
+bindkey -M menuselect '^j' vi-down-line-or-history
+bindkey -v '^?' backward-delete-char
+# Change cursor shape for different vi modes.
+function zle-keymap-select () {
+ case $KEYMAP in
+ vicmd) echo -ne '\e[1 q';; # block
+ viins|main) echo -ne '\e[5 q';; # beam
+ esac
+zle -N zle-keymap-select
+zle-line-init() {
+ zle -K viins # initiate `vi insert` as keymap (can be removed if `bindkey -V` has been set elsewhere)
+ echo -ne "\e[5 q"
+zle -N zle-line-init
+echo -ne '\e[5 q' # Use beam shape cursor on startup.
+preexec() { echo -ne '\e[5 q' ;} # Use beam shape cursor for each new prompt.
diff --git a/.config/zsh/zshrc b/.config/zsh/zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b14614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# some useful options (man zshoptions)
+setopt autocd extendedglob nomatch menucomplete
+setopt interactive_comments
+stty stop undef # Disable ctrl-s to freeze terminal.
+# beeping is annoying
+unsetopt BEEP
+# completions
+autoload -Uz compinit
+zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
+# zstyle ':completion::complete:lsof:*' menu yes select
+zmodload zsh/complist
+# compinit
+_comp_options+=(globdots) # Include hidden files.
+autoload -U up-line-or-beginning-search
+autoload -U down-line-or-beginning-search
+zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search
+zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search
+# Colors
+autoload -Uz colors && colors
+# Useful Functions
+source "$ZDOTDIR/zsh-functions"
+# Normal files to source
+zsh_add_file "zsh-exports"
+zsh_add_file "zsh-vim-mode"
+zsh_add_file "zsh-aliases"
+zsh_add_file "zsh-prompt"
+# Plugins
+zsh_add_plugin "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
+zsh_add_plugin "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
+# For more plugins: https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins
+# More completions https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions
+# Key-bindings
+bindkey -s '^o' 'ranger^M'
+bindkey -s '^f' 'zi^M'
+bindkey -s '^s' 'ncdu^M'
+# bindkey -s '^n' 'nvim $(fzf)^M'
+# bindkey -s '^v' 'nvim\n'
+bindkey -s '^z' 'zi^M'
+bindkey '^[[P' delete-char
+bindkey "^p" up-line-or-beginning-search # Up
+bindkey "^n" down-line-or-beginning-search # Down
+bindkey "^k" up-line-or-beginning-search # Up
+bindkey "^j" down-line-or-beginning-search # Down
+bindkey -r "^u"
+bindkey -r "^d"
+# FZF
+# TODO update for mac
+[ -f /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh ] && source /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh
+[ -f /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh ] && source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh
+[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
+[ -f $ZDOTDIR/completion/_fnm ] && fpath+="$ZDOTDIR/completion/"
+# export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='rg --hidden -l ""'
+# Edit line in vim with ctrl-e:
+autoload edit-command-line; zle -N edit-command-line
+# bindkey '^e' edit-command-line